The NYC iSchool is lucky to have a supportive and phenomenal Parents Association (PA). The PA works to raise money to support programs that benefit the educational growth of the students, including contributing much needed resources to classrooms, providing speakers and workshops on relevant parenting and college admissions topics and engaging parents and guardians in a cooperative working relationship with school staff.
To learn more about our Parents Association, please visit the NYC iSchool Parents Association website.

Another important iSchool body is the School Leadership Team, which is composed of the principal, PA president or designee, teachers union chapter leader, plus elected parents, staff members, and students. The SLT meets 6-7 pm on the third Thursday of each month, currently hybrid in-person and using Zoom.
The NYC iSchool School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of representatives of the staff, administration and parent constituency of the school. We meet once a month, and are tasked with:
Developing the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP).
Assisting in the evaluation of the school’s programs and their effects on student achievement.
Helping develop school-based goals and policies and ensuring that resources (money, personnel, etc) are aligned to implement those goals and policies
To learn more about our School Leadership Team, please visit the NYC iSchool Parents Association website.