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Admissions Process

The iSchool is considered a screened school in New York City. The iSchool believes firmly in informed choice, so primarily uses its status as a screened school to ensure that students want to be at the iSchool. The school does this through requiring prospective students to complete an online admissions activity, designed to assess students' interest in the school. For the 2024-2025 school year, the NYC iSchool will not be using any grades or test scores in our admissions screen – we will only be using our online admissions activity. 


Please note that the iSchool is part of New York City's Diversity in Admissions program. This means that we will give admissions priority to applicants who are eligible for free/reduced lunch (based on family income) for up to 67% of our seats.


Read about our school model on our website and prepare questions about what you are reading.

Open House

Sign up for one of our upcoming open houses. Spots go fast! So make sure you are signing up for one as soon as the form becomes available.


Add the NYCiSchool to your MySchools application with the program code M52A. NYC iSchool is a public high school. This is the only way to apply to our school.

Online Admissions Activity

Complete the supplemental material located on our website. Your application is not finished until this is complete.

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© 2015 NYC iSchool      131 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013                                                    917-237-7300

We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact to request assistance.

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